Nero phishing server – Nero is a short but powerful server to generate fake pages for phishing, doesn’t come with pre-made web pages, Nero can retrieve recursively and generate the SAME page and parse it quickly! Also, supports tunneling with Servo, Ngrok, and Tinyurl.
After completing the above steps give permission to read write and execute of all python files so run the below command in your terminal
Finally execute the “run” command to create a target website phishing page Link. Then send that link to your victim, if your victim type any data through the link you will get all information to your terminal..
Tested platform:
Install and use nero phishing server?
Install Pre-request
First of all we need to install the basic requirements so execute the following command on your terminal
pkg install git
pkg install python && pkg install python2
sudo apt install git
Sudo apt install python && sudo apt install python2
Download the Nero phishing
When you complete the pre installation execute the below command in your terminal to download the nero tool.
git clone
After completing the above steps give permission to read write and execute of all python files so run the below command in your terminal
chmod +x *.py
Now the tool was ready to run but you will not create any phishing page because the tool not work properly so execute the following command to install the some required python modules
pip install urlopen
pip install requests
pip install pyngrok
Run Nero Tool
Executing the following command with python3. then you can see nero tool terminal, and type “Help” command and press enter you can see the usage attributes
Now enter following command one by one to create any website as a phishing page
set ip {your ip}
set port {your port}
set url {target url}
Finally execute the “run” command to create a target website phishing page Link. Then send that link to your victim, if your victim type any data through the link you will get all information to your terminal..
Kali Linux